Monday, May 9, 2011

There's a song for that

I think the world can have over 100 wars but one thing will always remain after the dust settles.  People's love for music.  It never changes.  The styles, the artists, the times all do, but the love for it only grows.  Media has done a good job by making a profit of it but that's not what I think its there for.

When I listen to the lyrics of a song, I personally look for a connection from the song to my life.  It doesn't always work out but when it does, it's amazing.  People listen to music for so many reasons.  No matter what the reason is, there's a song for that.

I know people who listen to music for motivation.  Anything from upbeat rock to get them pumped before a game, to good R&B for study time.  I like jamming some good rock before an interview or before I play a sport.  What it does is the beats and rhythms go through your body as smooth as the blood run through it.  It makes your heart beat faster and ultimately making you jumpy, energetic and ready to go.

Some people listen to music for an escape.  Either a hard day at school/work or a broken heart.  They like to just put on some headphones and close their eyes and let the soothing song of their choice take them away.  Many people will choose songs based on how they are feeling, whether mad at the world or mad at a lover.  There's a lot of those out there.  I personally recommend Brother Iz's song Over the Rainbow.  It's soft melody of a ukulele as his voice softly reaches your ears.  Nothing intense, nothing upbeat.  Just calming music.  A lot of people also listen to Jack Johnson for the same effect.

I am a man with many tastes in music.  If you looked on my iPod it would go from Ray Charles to 3 Days Grace.  From Ludacris to Beethoven.  My preferences are all over the place but no matter what mood I am in, there's a song for that.  I am always open to new suggestions for music just because I think every artist deserves a chance to be heard whether they sell millions of albums are just a couple hundred.  It's not really about the industry and how much they sell.  It's about how the music reaches you and how it affects you.

I got my taste of classic rock from my mother, country from my father, rock from my brother.  Ray Charles and Ludacris kinda just found themselves in the mix.  I mostly listen to classical music when I am having trouble sleeping cause it relaxes me and lets me just listen to the music instead of trying to keep up with the lyrics and tempo.  I just let the strings and horns slowly relax and me and put me to sleep.

One last thing before I go.  Don't be embarrassed by what you listen to.  If your a guy and wanna jam some Rihanna or Justin Timberlake you go ahead and do it! I'm actually a fan of Justin Timberlake.  If your a girly girl but wanna listen to some intense screamo music cause it hypes you up.  Do it.  Don't let people look at you weird when you start singing along since it's your favorite song.

Listen to music.  Find out what it means to you.  Find out what it does to you.  No matter the situation, there's a song for that.

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