Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here it goes!

Hey everybody!

Well I finally broke down and started making a blog.  I'm pretty sure it will make my mom happy.

Well I guess my first blog is going to be about past relationships mainly because I saw two people today I hadn't seen in about...4 or 5 years.  People I had gone to elementary, middle, and a couple of high school years with.  It was funny to see their reactions to my complete change of appearance.  I went from a scrawny sophmore who had 7th graders weigh more than me, to a 6'4 200 pound guy.  When I saw them I chuckled as their heads craned back to make eye contact with me.  But we talked about past times and laughed about old jokes and it was very warming.

But here's the thing.  Most people who have recently met me in the past couple of years may not know this.  From elementary school to the day I reject.  I had a few friends but they would leave me at the drop of a dime if people found out they hung out with me.  Haha, I don't blame them.  I was annoying, way too hyper, and beyond controllable.  But times have changed.

I got a good handful of friends that I know will be there for a while.  A few great guys, some awesome girls, a couple of great dogs.  But sometimes, when times are tough I can't look at myself now and keep thinking about who I was back then.  An immature little punk who gave my parents hell and my friends worse.

I can still remember the first girl I asked out in high school my freshman year and got laughed at.  Not just a rejection, full out laughter.  Great experience huh?  I remember my first fight in middle school where i got hit once and I just dropped down and cried.  No wonder I wasn't popular haha.

My first sign of real friends came near the end of my junior year at Boys Ranch.  A guy who had picked on me a lot, Jordan Bigony, had seen me come in one day nearly crying and go straight to my room.  He then came in and sat down and talked to me.  Told me he picks on me cause he knows I'm weak and he knows that it will help in the long run.  Shortly after that, Justin Ellerman, a guy I still am close to, became a really really good friend of mine and we have done many things together like camping, snowboarding tennis.  I felt closer.  And as the years went by the friends got stronger.  Maybe not in numbers but in loyalty.

Now I have some great guy friends such as Justin Ellerman, Korrie Talley, James Clack, and a few other honorable mention.  But girls on the other hand are a different story.  And that will be later today ;)

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