Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here it goes!! (Part 2)

Well I decided to tell you my past relationships with girls.  This gets very interesting.

Basically up until college I was seen as a disease to girls.  Didn't talk with them, didn't hang out with them, barely got to sit next to them in class.  Looking back now, I'm actually glad it happened.  I had enough on my plate trying to avoid getting chased around, bullied and teased then to worry about girls.  Plus while being ignored, I slowly learned how they worked without trial and error ;)

But near the end of high school my friend Justin Ellerman actually taught me how to act around people and with that and help from two other great people, the Mantooths, I matured.  I actually had girls talking to me.  I usually pursued a little too much but it was ok in the end.

When college started, the craziest thing happened.  I was being hit on. O.o   I didn't know what to do with my self.  I had girls smiling at me, winking, asking for my number.  And I got in quite a bit over my head.   It actually got me in trouble a lot.  But I enjoyed the attention.

From there I started taking better care of myself.  I was working out regularly, hygiene was great and I was eating healthier.  I started involving myself in extra curricular activities which just multiplied the attention.  Most of the interactions usually led to the bedroom but other ones led to great friendships.

But this is the craziest thing.  Girls I used to go to school with have..for some reason...become more friendly with me.  Not so much attracted wise but as if we had been friends forever.  My mom tells me that they see my maturity and they respect me more.  I think it's cause I look great.

Actually a girl that I used to go to Crockett with found me on facebook one day and started talking with me like long lost friends.  PUMP THE BRAKES.  This girl ignored me, got her boyfriends to beat me, made fun of me, basically made my life hell.  And now we are best friends? O,o  But it got even crazier.  She asked me out for coffee.  Then to dinner.  Then to the park and pretty soon all she wanted to do was hangout with me.  Mainly cause I rejected every invitation.  Not cause I didn't like her.  I just didn't have money or transportation to come off like an upstanding gentleman.  Blew my freakin mind.

Besides my romantic escapades with women and how much I've changed to be attracted to females, I actually met another handful of great girl friends.  Tiawna, Amy, Lauren, Courtney and Ashlie are just great friends.  My favorite girls I call them.  Then there are few girls like Liz (foll ow her blog) and Angela that I'm getting to "re-know" and it's going great.  In other words, I may have been an annoying, hyper active, crazy, butt ugly kid, But now I'm surrounded by friends that I would die for and a personality that is just a magnet.

Your probably wondering, "Wait, your talking about girls and past relationships..What about past girlfriends?"  Well readers I hate to disappoint you but not this time..maybe sometime in the future.  Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I loved this!!!:D :D
    You're a great writer yourself maaannnn!
