Monday, May 9, 2011

There's a song for that

I think the world can have over 100 wars but one thing will always remain after the dust settles.  People's love for music.  It never changes.  The styles, the artists, the times all do, but the love for it only grows.  Media has done a good job by making a profit of it but that's not what I think its there for.

When I listen to the lyrics of a song, I personally look for a connection from the song to my life.  It doesn't always work out but when it does, it's amazing.  People listen to music for so many reasons.  No matter what the reason is, there's a song for that.

I know people who listen to music for motivation.  Anything from upbeat rock to get them pumped before a game, to good R&B for study time.  I like jamming some good rock before an interview or before I play a sport.  What it does is the beats and rhythms go through your body as smooth as the blood run through it.  It makes your heart beat faster and ultimately making you jumpy, energetic and ready to go.

Some people listen to music for an escape.  Either a hard day at school/work or a broken heart.  They like to just put on some headphones and close their eyes and let the soothing song of their choice take them away.  Many people will choose songs based on how they are feeling, whether mad at the world or mad at a lover.  There's a lot of those out there.  I personally recommend Brother Iz's song Over the Rainbow.  It's soft melody of a ukulele as his voice softly reaches your ears.  Nothing intense, nothing upbeat.  Just calming music.  A lot of people also listen to Jack Johnson for the same effect.

I am a man with many tastes in music.  If you looked on my iPod it would go from Ray Charles to 3 Days Grace.  From Ludacris to Beethoven.  My preferences are all over the place but no matter what mood I am in, there's a song for that.  I am always open to new suggestions for music just because I think every artist deserves a chance to be heard whether they sell millions of albums are just a couple hundred.  It's not really about the industry and how much they sell.  It's about how the music reaches you and how it affects you.

I got my taste of classic rock from my mother, country from my father, rock from my brother.  Ray Charles and Ludacris kinda just found themselves in the mix.  I mostly listen to classical music when I am having trouble sleeping cause it relaxes me and lets me just listen to the music instead of trying to keep up with the lyrics and tempo.  I just let the strings and horns slowly relax and me and put me to sleep.

One last thing before I go.  Don't be embarrassed by what you listen to.  If your a guy and wanna jam some Rihanna or Justin Timberlake you go ahead and do it! I'm actually a fan of Justin Timberlake.  If your a girly girl but wanna listen to some intense screamo music cause it hypes you up.  Do it.  Don't let people look at you weird when you start singing along since it's your favorite song.

Listen to music.  Find out what it means to you.  Find out what it does to you.  No matter the situation, there's a song for that.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here it goes!! (Part 2)

Well I decided to tell you my past relationships with girls.  This gets very interesting.

Basically up until college I was seen as a disease to girls.  Didn't talk with them, didn't hang out with them, barely got to sit next to them in class.  Looking back now, I'm actually glad it happened.  I had enough on my plate trying to avoid getting chased around, bullied and teased then to worry about girls.  Plus while being ignored, I slowly learned how they worked without trial and error ;)

But near the end of high school my friend Justin Ellerman actually taught me how to act around people and with that and help from two other great people, the Mantooths, I matured.  I actually had girls talking to me.  I usually pursued a little too much but it was ok in the end.

When college started, the craziest thing happened.  I was being hit on. O.o   I didn't know what to do with my self.  I had girls smiling at me, winking, asking for my number.  And I got in quite a bit over my head.   It actually got me in trouble a lot.  But I enjoyed the attention.

From there I started taking better care of myself.  I was working out regularly, hygiene was great and I was eating healthier.  I started involving myself in extra curricular activities which just multiplied the attention.  Most of the interactions usually led to the bedroom but other ones led to great friendships.

But this is the craziest thing.  Girls I used to go to school with have..for some reason...become more friendly with me.  Not so much attracted wise but as if we had been friends forever.  My mom tells me that they see my maturity and they respect me more.  I think it's cause I look great.

Actually a girl that I used to go to Crockett with found me on facebook one day and started talking with me like long lost friends.  PUMP THE BRAKES.  This girl ignored me, got her boyfriends to beat me, made fun of me, basically made my life hell.  And now we are best friends? O,o  But it got even crazier.  She asked me out for coffee.  Then to dinner.  Then to the park and pretty soon all she wanted to do was hangout with me.  Mainly cause I rejected every invitation.  Not cause I didn't like her.  I just didn't have money or transportation to come off like an upstanding gentleman.  Blew my freakin mind.

Besides my romantic escapades with women and how much I've changed to be attracted to females, I actually met another handful of great girl friends.  Tiawna, Amy, Lauren, Courtney and Ashlie are just great friends.  My favorite girls I call them.  Then there are few girls like Liz (foll ow her blog) and Angela that I'm getting to "re-know" and it's going great.  In other words, I may have been an annoying, hyper active, crazy, butt ugly kid, But now I'm surrounded by friends that I would die for and a personality that is just a magnet.

Your probably wondering, "Wait, your talking about girls and past relationships..What about past girlfriends?"  Well readers I hate to disappoint you but not this time..maybe sometime in the future.  Have a great night!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!

This is a shout out to the most opinionated, strong willed, stubborn, sarcastic yet patient, caring, nurturing mothers I know.  My mommy.

I am responsible for every grey hair my mom has on her head.  From skipping school, throwing fits, to jumping off cliffs and wanting to go skydiving.  But every step of the way, no matter how far I pushed her, she pushed me back.  Then she told me she loved me with all of her heart.

I never could fathom the reason why after all the hell I put my mom through why she still wanted to buy me gifts, shower me with love, look for stuff while shopping to see if I'm interested in it.  She pursued my interests as if they were her own, researching new things just to keep me updated.  Just to make sure I was on top of it.

For all these reasons and much much more, I love my mom very much.

Now I don't want you to leave this blog thinking I never did anything for her.

When my mom had early signs of breast cancers, you best believe I called her everyday wanting an update even though I was 9 hours away.  I didn't care.  Every time I heard something new, I prayed that she would be alright.  She has been cancer free for something like 3 years now.  And last november I ran in the Race for the Cure 5k for her.  To show my support for her. (picture below)  I actually ran it on my own then turned around and went back for her. And I made sure she ran across that finish line as kind of a subtle saying that she can do anything.

I may not say it much cause I kind of keep my feelings to myself but my mom means the world to me.  I hate to say it but I have broken her heart before and I have to do it again real soon when I leave for Canyon in August.  She has always been one of the over protective mothers and I am the baby of the family, yet one of the tallest.

Mom.  I love you.  You have chased me to the ends of the earth just to hold me back from falling off the edge.  I have put you through more hell than Calvin and Dennis put together (comic book reference ask me later).  I know I haven't been the greatest son but I do hope that I have changed for the better and I am slowly becoming the son you can be proud of.  I love you mom.  Happy Mother's Day.

p.s. i don't have any money for a card so this will have to do :p

Here it goes!

Hey everybody!

Well I finally broke down and started making a blog.  I'm pretty sure it will make my mom happy.

Well I guess my first blog is going to be about past relationships mainly because I saw two people today I hadn't seen in about...4 or 5 years.  People I had gone to elementary, middle, and a couple of high school years with.  It was funny to see their reactions to my complete change of appearance.  I went from a scrawny sophmore who had 7th graders weigh more than me, to a 6'4 200 pound guy.  When I saw them I chuckled as their heads craned back to make eye contact with me.  But we talked about past times and laughed about old jokes and it was very warming.

But here's the thing.  Most people who have recently met me in the past couple of years may not know this.  From elementary school to the day I reject.  I had a few friends but they would leave me at the drop of a dime if people found out they hung out with me.  Haha, I don't blame them.  I was annoying, way too hyper, and beyond controllable.  But times have changed.

I got a good handful of friends that I know will be there for a while.  A few great guys, some awesome girls, a couple of great dogs.  But sometimes, when times are tough I can't look at myself now and keep thinking about who I was back then.  An immature little punk who gave my parents hell and my friends worse.

I can still remember the first girl I asked out in high school my freshman year and got laughed at.  Not just a rejection, full out laughter.  Great experience huh?  I remember my first fight in middle school where i got hit once and I just dropped down and cried.  No wonder I wasn't popular haha.

My first sign of real friends came near the end of my junior year at Boys Ranch.  A guy who had picked on me a lot, Jordan Bigony, had seen me come in one day nearly crying and go straight to my room.  He then came in and sat down and talked to me.  Told me he picks on me cause he knows I'm weak and he knows that it will help in the long run.  Shortly after that, Justin Ellerman, a guy I still am close to, became a really really good friend of mine and we have done many things together like camping, snowboarding tennis.  I felt closer.  And as the years went by the friends got stronger.  Maybe not in numbers but in loyalty.

Now I have some great guy friends such as Justin Ellerman, Korrie Talley, James Clack, and a few other honorable mention.  But girls on the other hand are a different story.  And that will be later today ;)